Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Daddle

Some ideas are just so wrong that they are good. This is something that I can imagine sitting in a pub and coming up with but to actually do it? No, its just wrong. I never want one, I repeat I never want one.

I give you the Daddle.

I have no connection to this company and don't care if you buy one or not. I can't help thinking though that some one os going to buy one and put it on a dog.......with a child.......good god can you imagine.

Any way as far as i'm concerned this is a good reason NOT to have children. I do like the pads that come with it, or as they are described in the advert 'Horse Shoes for Dad'

posted by gerbil at 7:09 pm


Anonymous Internet Betting Poker said...

I with you do not agree

6/02/2011 4:35 pm  

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