Saturday, April 22, 2006

Gang shooting doesn't make the news???

Wandering around town to do some last second shopping before my holidays I discovered that the centre of town was shut down by the police. It seemed to be a large area of the centre but the police were unwilling to say what had happened.

They had shut off the crossroads infront of the Kingsgate shopping centre and large sections of road in either direction.

The fact that the police wouldn't say what had happened made me more interested (when in reality Mr plod was just following standard procedure). I rang a friend to see if there was anything on the net about it - as you would imagine that in this day and age closing the centre of any town would be of interest to the news media.......nothing.

Asked the staff in one of the shops. The security guard was there and they were very cagey about the whole thing. The only thing they were willing to say was that it was a major incident. Rang a journalist friend....still nothing.

CSI Huddersfield
Originally uploaded by SmithersJones.
Carried on shopping and asked the nice young lady behind the counter in Next who informed me that last night there had been a shooting either along the street or in one of the bars. It had involved a gang and that the police had 8 people in custody. The cordon was so that the scene of crime boys and girls could gather evidence.

So it seems a shooting incident involving a large number of people in the centre of a market town, not a city just a town, doesn't rate a mention in the local paper even? For godsakes its not like its a common event.

Weirdest thing is that it isn't normal for Huddersfield, trust me the natives arn't angels far from it but gun play is rare. As my hairdresser so sweetly put it, "a man in the centre of town with a gun? well it aint normal is it?" I wanted to question her further to see if she thought a man with a gun out side of town was normal but i think she would have thought i was taking the piss, and never take the piss out of some one with sharp implements.

It was also strange how accepting and non worried people were about it. Most people walked up to the cordon, politly asked the poice what was going on, were politely told, "can't tell you," and then wandered off. I'm still trying to work out if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

More photos as usual can be found on my Flickr pages, plus some additional from fellow Flickrite Blueme.

EDIT: Alright its made the BBC Local News I just couldn't find it and thought it would be a bigger story somehow.

posted by gerbil at 1:49 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought there were strict gunlaws. How did they get the weapons?

4/23/2006 9:22 am  
Blogger gerbil said...

There are indeed strict gun laws unfortunately there is a many an idiot who thinks that having a gun gives him respect and plenty of scum willing to supply the guns. The biggest boost to supply was after the end of the cold war from Eastern Europe and now with globalisation there is a thriving trade.

The situation is slowly getting worse but use of guns within crime is still thankfully rare. Although the police in the UK are traditionaly not armed there are now armed response units on call 24/7. So i think it is not long before we have an armed police force as standard.

4/23/2006 10:12 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think that would be the next logical step...

4/23/2006 11:53 pm  

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