Call me cynical
But while there may be some truth in this plot (it is still an alledged plot despite the fact that the media and police are reporting it if we have had the investigation and trial already, or have we done away with due process, evidence and trials? Is this the freedoms we will apparently need to sacrifice according to John Reid only last night, hmmm) the timming seems judicous.
Governments on both sides of the Atlantic seem to have jumped on this like a drowning man coming close to a life belt.
All the news about Iraq, Lieberman's defeat, Lebanon seems to have been replaced with news on how we are all going to die. And all the armchair anti terrorist police have popped up saying well they knew this was a problem all along.
As I say i'm not saying that there is no plot, I'm damn sure there are people out there who want to kill me. I'm just saying something smells very very very funny.
Oh and to answer John Reid's questions about am I willing to give up any freedoms, NO. If i did then some one else other than me has won. Why would I give up what I want to defend?
Governments on both sides of the Atlantic seem to have jumped on this like a drowning man coming close to a life belt.
All the news about Iraq, Lieberman's defeat, Lebanon seems to have been replaced with news on how we are all going to die. And all the armchair anti terrorist police have popped up saying well they knew this was a problem all along.
As I say i'm not saying that there is no plot, I'm damn sure there are people out there who want to kill me. I'm just saying something smells very very very funny.
Oh and to answer John Reid's questions about am I willing to give up any freedoms, NO. If i did then some one else other than me has won. Why would I give up what I want to defend?
posted by gerbil at 6:24 pm
Yup, and we are on the same page this time. Something smells bad. Blair and Bush are both using this to their advantage. I think the threat is real, but it is going to be exploited. Good post
Have you notice that when the big boys approval ratings go down, suddenly there is an immediate danger or another terrorist is caught?
Its hard to choose if were trapped in some kafkaesque episode of pinochio or the boy who cried wolf.
Looks like business as usual to me. The politicians and the media always promote/spin/makeup the story that they think they will benefit the most from.
Thing that gets me about this is that the next set of elections when turn out is even lower and democracy starts to come unraveled they are going to be the ones bangning on wondering whats going on.
This constant, "look out behind you there going to kill you," on top of the mistakes (like shooting innocent people) is going to undermine democracy and the rule of law. Once they are gone we might as well put the kettle on, get comfy and wait for the next Hitler or Stalin. Becuase even at best and giving the guys at the top the benifit of the doubt (assuming they have good intentions) the alledged democrats are paving the way for the commited tyrants.
Damn, i know i shouldn't blog after going out for beers but the b'strds just wind me up.
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