Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Strange Weariness of Insomnia

For years I have suffered from the occasional bouts of insomnia. When I was a younger, and say when I was a student for example, it wasnt a problem but as the years start to drain my abilities to recovery and responsibility imposes a stricter time table its become a real bitch.

I have recently started a concerted effort to get fit. Going running twice a week, well I say running its more of chaotic shambling procession over a stated distance at a slightly faster pace than walking followed by much asthmatic wheezing. On top of this there is the all too infrequent riding (really must do more), diving (if the BSAC Club get there act into gear that is) and a few other things - Oh and i've probably eaten more veggies in the last year than in all my previous years on the planet. It's also coming up to 3 years of no smoking. Plus, recently I have cut sugar out from my diet and caffine has been cut down to one mug a day (thats one mug of coffee with caffine not one mug of pure caffine).

So by rights i should be healthier than ever and less prone to things like insomnia. So what the *&^%ing hell was going on last night. Got tired, went to bed......still awake so I got up. Browsed the net, went back to bed, got up read half a book on how to script CSS files, browsed the net, cursed the birds for waking up and finally went to bed.

End result, knackered. Sunday has been a wash out. At 3.30 am this morning I felt I had the energy to reorganise my entire life, open a business and put the world to rights. Today I have less energy than Enron.

Insomnia sucks bigger and more efficently than a dyson:(

posted by gerbil at 12:24 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm lucky that insomnia has never been a problem for me. I usually have no problem going to sleep whenever I want to although there are some nights of tossing and turning.

Contgratulations on the three years of no smoking. October will mark two years of being smoke free for my wife and I.

Getting back in shape can be a pain. My wife and I have taken up cycling and healthier eating.

Good luck.

9/03/2006 9:12 pm  
Blogger gerbil said...

3 years and i still dream about it every once in a while

9/04/2006 6:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too. I've been told they are known as "Using dreams."
Luckily they are just dreams. When I wake up I find myself slightly sick at the idea.

There is a dump I have to drive by on my way to and from work that is filled with debris from Hurricane Ivan. The county is trying to get the dump closed and has arrested one of the owners for law violations. The piles in the dump are being burnt around the clock now. From miles away you can smell it. Imagine two hundred cigarette butts that have been soaked in water and then heated to a smoldering point. Ugh. At least it makes darn sure I don't have a desire to light up. :)

9/05/2006 6:06 am  
Blogger Eddie said...

I feel for you and your bout with insomnia. Working for the Postal Service for 33 years, all shifts, at one time or another, I know how it feels to deal with sleepless nights (and days).

9/06/2006 9:16 am  
Blogger gerbil said...

Thanks, mind you I guess there are worse things in the world

9/07/2006 8:38 pm  

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