Sunday, March 26, 2006

Note to Self

Its well known that there are a few things in life which in hindsight should be considered a bad idea. A childrens birthday party hosted by Micheal Jackson would be one. Another would be invading Iraq when the detailed plan only goes as far as the pages covering the actual invasion, "hell lets just make the rest of it up as we go along, I mean how hard can it be?"

I can can now add another: A Saturday night bender of stomach churning proportions with a 2 hour riding lesson chaser on Sunday.

Thats just a whole world of pain.

posted by gerbil at 12:37 pm


Blogger Eddie said...

You will be laughing about it 30 years from now.

3/27/2006 10:11 pm  
Blogger gerbil said...

i can not tell a lie i actually chickened out and called a halt to the lesson halfway through:(

3/28/2006 6:55 pm  

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