Saturday, June 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by SmithersJones.
In a vain attempt to get fit I'm going running at the moment. But to add insult to injury i then also went for a walk in the valley. The valley is probably only a couple of miles square but me and M still managed to get lost.

Its like some kind of rural tardis down in the valley. Every where you go there is another stream and and another little wooded glade. Its weird. Anyway this time we came across the tree in the picture. It was too early in the mroning for me to be drunk but thats a bloody face.

If i was in the habit of taking drugs this tree would have scared the hell out of me, instead its just creeped me out.

posted by gerbil at 9:17 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That tree was weird looking I thought it was a photo shop deal

6/25/2006 11:53 am  
Blogger gerbil said...

Nope, its scarily the real thing

6/25/2006 11:58 am  

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