Enough is enough
However, as with the Memo there are things that are beyond the pale. More people need to stand up and say enough is enough. I campaigned and argued for 18 years to get rid of the slime ball Tory government that trampled over the have not's to help the haves have more. When Labour were elected you could have powered a small city with my grin.
Increasingly this same Labour government has moved further from the principles that I could support. But this has not been enough. If I am anything it is a democrat. If the Labour government simple did not represent my views that would be annoying but I would have to live with it. If that same government supports a war that I disagree with then I still have to bow to the democratic government. When that government starts to clamp down on protests and make it a crime to read out a list of those who have died that's not democracy.
The latest however is stomach turning. Don't get me wrong I am not stupid enough to not think that governments of all stripes don't break the law. I'm also aware that the security services are no angels. But, and its a bloody big but, if a democratic government is caught out being complicit in torture then that government has no legitimacy. It should resign.
If you want to know whats pissing me off read here or here at Blairwatch or more importantly at the source Craig Murry's own weblog.
posted by gerbil at 5:52 pm